Dreams do come true

It took me a very long time to write an About page. When I first started this blog I didn’t even know what I wanted this to be. Now I definitely do. I want this to be a place where people can get ideas and be motivated to take their future into their own hands. I want this to be a place where people can get advice on how to make things happen and how to turn things around. I also want this to be a place where the luxury things out there in this world are accessible to everyone.

I am just a College student who studies hard in order to reach what she dreams of. There have been so many challenges put in my way already and I often felt like giving up and just settle for what I’ve already got. When I look around me I think, I have what I need but the sad reality is that it’d be so nice to have more. That big, glamorous and luxurious house, literally everybody dreams of. That super car you dream of buying since you are five years old. That dream job you love and never feels like work. All of this often seems unaccesible and so far away.  All of this just seems unreachable. If you think carefully about this, it might be closer than you think. What are two years, three years, even four years if you know that within those four years you might have achieved all of this. This is what I realized when life just seemed like it did not want me to be happy anymore, when it seemed like, it just wanted me to settle for the next best thing.  I never thought that I could make a difference but the last year made me realize that if I work hard for what I want, time will fly by and I am another step closer to what I really want. The car, the house, the guy, the family, etc. Everything you can imagine.

If there is one thing life has taught me in the last 19 years is that you should never expect somebody else to do things for you. Also, never expect to have something. Dream to have something. Expectations are too much. Dreams are there to come true. Take your future in your own hands and make a difference to your life. Never give up. Neither have I.
